Author Details

Tricia Abney

Member Since: 12th September 2009
No of Articles: 2
About Me:


05th November 2009

You Don't Have to Fight Grandma at Walmart to Get a Zhu Zhu Pet

You Don't Have to Fight Grandma at Walmart to Get a Zhu Zhu Pet Zhu Zhu Pets, also known as Go Go Pets, are the hottest items on the market this holiday season and you'd be stark raving mad to want to brave the early morning mob scene at Walmart, Toys ...

05th November 2009

Zhu Zhu Pets Are the Break Out Hit of the Holiday Season

Zhu Zhu Pets Are the Break Out Hit of the Holiday Season Have you seen the big empty shelf space at your local Walmart or Toys R Us? Chances are, that's where the Zhu Zhu Pets were sitting just a few minutes before the store opened that morning. Unle...