Author Details


Member Since: 25th August 2009
Occupation: Internet Marketer
No of Articles: 1
About Me: Hi, my name is Steve Wilkins and I am from the South-East of sunny England.

It was in 2006 that I first got into the exhilarating world of Internet Marketing after reading just about every ”Get-Rich Quick” and ”Instant Over Night Riches'' sales page out there. You see I like many of us believed that there must be some quick money out there to be made and I must have invested well over $500 within my first few months with absolutely no reward.

So after a few months dabling with no real success I moved onto eBay and visited flea markets picking up old antiques to resell which gave me a tidy little income for a while but the truth was I was looking for something bigger and better!

It was only in 2008 that I decided to get into Internet Marketing properly and open my eyes to the real possibilities that exist. I was fed up of reading how you can become a millionaire in 2 weeks and how you can create a business over night.

So with that I gave myself a big slap in the face and decided that only hard work, commitment and commonsense would get me anywhere in the Internet Marketing Field.

In the last 18 months I have set up my own blog which offers other like-minded individuals the chance to watch and learn how to set up a profitable eBusiness. I have built a massive list of subscribers to which I send weekly online business tips and advice.

I have released my very own product called ''Build Your eBiz with Resale Rights and PLR'' which is a comprehensive study course for anyone wanting to set up their own profitable resale rights and plr business including a stack of step-by-step videos showing exactly how it is done.

I have turned my passion for Internet marketing from a hobby into my full-time Job. Well I call it a job but there is no real comparison to my last work as it is simply what I love doing.

Feel free to come over and see me at my blog should you want to learn more about me and see what I can do for you and your business.

Thanks for taking the time to read my Bio.

I look forward to speaking and possibly working with you sometime very soon.

All the best.
Steve Wilkins


05th November 2009

Have You Created an Information Product But Have No One to Sell Too?

It is always difficult to start making money when you launch your first information product. Even if you have managed to get it approved on a decent market place like clickbank this is still not enough to ensure regular sales. If you are having trouble...