Author Details

cecep sa

Member Since: 20th August 2009
No of Articles: 4
About Me:


06th September 2009

The Hair Coloring Tips And Home Hair Coloring Guide

But the accuracy is that you can accomplish accomplished after-effects and save abundant money by actualization your beard at home as continued as you apperceive few basics about allotment the appropriate blush and administer it correctly. The advantage o...

03rd September 2009

Residents Nagrog in Surprise with Baby Magic

The birth of a baby girl without a mother knows the pregnancy or any sign which shows will deliver, not only to make biological mother of the child, mother Engkon (30) was shocked and could not believe he thought, but the event has become a hot news is di...

26th August 2009

The students threatened Drop Out

"Although there are already programs BOS (operational ?support schools) and schools for free, but the cost of ?supporting education, such as freight, stock, clothing, and ?shoes, still need to be a dependent parent. From which they ?spend on it. While the...

23rd August 2009

Mass flow Stodge Channel Ciawi

Mass flow is estimated that 20,000 people came to the road along the road Ciawi in regard to follow enliven HUT RI 64, Monday (17 / 9). The event was held after the ceremony that took place in the solemn square Ciawi was followed by a full mass with joy...