Author Details


Member Since: 10th August 2009
No of Articles: 1
About Me: Hi Everyone - especially all 'hard gainers' and skinny guys and gals, who want to seriously build muscle or gain muscle mass and are actively looking for a solution.

Good News Is Right Here!

Meet Vince DelMonte (the guy in the photo - wish it was me but sorry - not yet anyway!)

Just like you and me he was once a 149lb scrawny guy, looking for ways to bulk up and build serious muscle. Have you ever had that feeling? Me too!

Having tried everything and after going from one disappointment to another, he finally worked it out ... that's right, Vince is a pretty determined fella and after much trial and error HE FOUND THE ANSWER to the skinny guy body building problem!

He systematically worked out how even the scrawniest of people like me, could really start packing on the pounds and how to gain muscle mass like never before ... and even better there's no drugs or steroids!

And I'm here to share it with you ... want to know more? Want some more FREE information?

Click or copy this link -


27th April 2010

Many Slim Fast Low Carb Diets Fail Miserably - Find Out Why!

By Max in Diet
Ever Asked Yourself Why Nearly All Slim Fast Low Carb And Other Vogue Diets Give Poor Results? Thousands of struggling dieters have tried hundreds of various ways to lose weight - anything from slim fast low carb products to magic weight loss tablets t...