Author Details


Member Since: 08th August 2009
No of Articles: 3
About Me:


25th September 2009

Ten Tips to Learn Computer Hacking

Internet has become a bandwagon of entertainment, education and business. It beats tradition mediums in terms of the benefits it offers. But unfortunately there is much scope of anonymity/privacy on the web and helps the cyber terrorists prey up on the In...

15th September 2009

Stop & Smell The Citrus.

Rejuvenation essential for busy Canadian moms (NC)-Ask a typical Canadian mom if she works full-time and you know what she'll answer. Moms have to be multi-taskers: they hold down demanding jobs, raise children, prepare meals, do the wash, manage the ...

03rd September 2009

A Speech for the RNC Supporting a Ron Paul Candidacy

Some time ago, in the spring of 2008, I was contacted by someone involved with Ron Paul's candidacy and asked to write a speech to be given at the RNC. It was to be a speech designed to entice the undecided delegates into casting their votes for Ron Paul ...