Author Details

JoEllen Watkins

Member Since: 02nd August 2009
No of Articles: 0
About Me:


03rd August 2009

Diarrhea-Related Hemorrhoid Problems After Cholecystectomy

Long-suffering gallbladder patients know the torment of unexpected diarrhea. It's humiliating and nerve-wracking trying to get to the toilet before an "accident" happens. I have had it happen at the mall and even one time at work. When your gallbladder is...

03rd August 2009

Hemorrhoids Caused by Gallbladder Surgery Complications

Dear Gallbladder Patient: Are you suffering the agony of chronic, unexpected diarrhea? Does liquid stool start gushing out of your rectum at the most inopportune times? People who have their gallbladder removed often experience this discomfort and social ...