Author Details

Millard Franco

Member Since: 25th July 2009
No of Articles: 3
About Me:


01st December 2009

Telltale Signs of a Troubled Teenager

How can you tell if your teenager is at risk for developing drug or alcohol problems, depression, violence, suicide, pregnancy or dropping out of school? While many teens may actually face these problems, parents often find it difficult to tell if their c...

24th November 2009

What Does Your Child Do Online?

It is a fact that many children today have access to the World Wide Web which allows them to be in touch with a lot of information that is exposed every day in our society throughout this media. If you have children, it is very important that you have som...

24th November 2009

Classic Toys that Are Always in Style

With video games dominating and transforming the landscape of our pre-teen children with a new virtual world for them to play in, it is refreshing to know that there are still classic toys available for our younger children to enjoy. Let's look at one of ...