Author Details

Emilio Maldonado

Member Since: 22nd July 2009
No of Articles: 3
About Me:


18th December 2009

Why Stress Can Be A Cause To Impotence

Stress has become an inevitable consequence of modern life, and we are subjected to increasing amounts on a daily basis. The term stress was originally coined and defined by Hans Selye in 1936 as "the non-specific response of the body to any demand for c...

18th December 2009

Letting Go Is Hard For Kids

As a kid, were you afraid of being left alone by your mom or dad in school? Does your child throw tantrums when you leave them with someone else? Your kid might be showing signs of separation anxiety, just like you did when you were a child. Do you hav...

18th December 2009

Divorce And The Effects On Kids

Face it. Not all relationships last forever. Some are meant to last, and there are those that are simply short-lived. Even marriage is not excluded from the dramas and hassles of breaking up. When married couples finally call it quits, that is when the su...