Author Details


Member Since: 15th July 2009
URL: http://
No of Articles: 1
About Me: after owning my own business for two years i was not satisfied with my income and started searching ways to make a second income online, to my dismay it was full off scams and people trying to rip you of left right and center.Lucy for me, not everyone was out for money and some decent people set out to help me, which led me to where i am now. to write about online systems that worked for me, and helped me make my second income, and also research new systems and test them so you don't have to.


16th July 2009

Kick-start your weight into first gear, well before summer with this one of a kind e-book.

By werner in Diet
Diets, take a moment to think about this. How many of you have gone on a diet? Or lets ask, how many have been with someone who has been obsessed with diets? Always wanting to loose more, even after already loosing like 15 kg? Does something like that eve...