Author Details

Mitchel Crane

Member Since: 03rd July 2009
No of Articles: 7
About Me:


21st December 2009

The Importance of Entertainment

Today life is full of stress and anxiety and especially in metropolitan cities situation is the worst. Everyone is busy with his life, no time for family and himself even. Every person is running behind his hectic schedule. Life become so fast but still n...

11th December 2009

No One Can Ever Take Your Place

It's always hard to fit in other people's shoes. First and foremost, one must understand that you might tackle the issues or uncover the same secret but the truth of the matter is - no one can repeat the same feat others have achieved. Second, everybody i...

25th November 2009

Russian Art on the Internet

Originally Khokhloma wood tableware were produced in monasteries and for the czar court only. At that time Khokhloma tableware production was not large scale. It was because of expensive imported tin. In 1720s after the end of the North War tin flow to R...

25th November 2009

A Look at the Phantom of the Opera

The Apparition of the Opera house (1986) is one of the more popular musicals of the late-twentieth century. Andrew Lloyd Webber's haunting musical theater sexual conquest includes such classic melodious theatre songs as "Remember of Me," "The Phantasm of ...

18th November 2009

Involving the Audience

Nearly every storyteller has experienced the frustration of telling to these audience members: the clock-watcher, the doodler, the hair-twister, the squimer, the talker, the bored acting, the heckler, ect. But these characters are reminders that sometimes...

05th November 2009

Big Mistakes in Miniature Paintings

do a good job. So with this in mind, I dove right in and painted my very first miniatures ever. As in right out of the box with absolutely no clue whatsoever. The result looked something like a cross between a cheap plastic souvenir and a Kindergarten ...

05th November 2009

Heading for Hollywood

Many adolescents would like to become scriptwriters or film directors and in pursuing this goal they experiment making their own movies, which is the first footstep on the road to Hollywood. Homemade movies will provide the knowledge of the basic abilitie...