Author Details

Lokesh Nagpal

Member Since: 22nd June 2009
URL: http://
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30th December 2009

HVCC and it’s Impact on the Mortgage Process

The law on Home Valuation Code of Conduct (HVCC) initiated in May 2009 has had a significant impact on the mortgage process. It was widely anticipated that the law would be instrumental in improving the process of property valuation by making it more tran...

26th November 2009

Prepare Your Documents for Mortgage Application

It pays a great deal to organize and get ready for putting up your mortgage application. Just a little bit of home work can go a long way in your ability to run though this process with out undergoing anxiety and frustration. The process is as simple as y...

10th November 2009

How to Get an FHA Loan

The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) has been instrumental in increasing home ownership in the United States. FHA was set up in the year 1934 by the creation of the National Housing Act The key objective of FHA is to encourage the growth of the housin...