Author Details


Member Since: 16th June 2009
Occupation: Self Employed
No of Articles: 4
About Me: Ron owns an insurance agency specializing in final expense life insurance.


11th May 2010

Seniors Needs Are Similar To Younger Adults In Many Ways But Considerably Different In Others

Seniors have the same needs everyone else has. They need food, shelter, some secure income, friends, something to keep them entertained, and good medical care. But it is also true that seniors may have other needs like handicapped accessibility at ...

11th May 2010

Elderly Quality of Life, It’s All About Independence

Most elderly people want to keep their independence as long as they can. They also need companionship and the attention of people they love and care about. And it is also very good for people who are older to feel useful. One large paper company in...

11th May 2010

This Business About Trying To Be Green Can Be Complicated

Cathedral Ceilings Add to Our Home Heating Bill. We have been working on our house for some time to lower our carbon footprint. We have put in better plumbing, and are gradually buying more energy efficient appliances. We also unplug most things that h...

26th April 2010

Global Warming Means Nothing Compared To The Buzz Factor

The first thought that went through my mind when I first heard about beehives dying was the word "pollinators". That's what bees do. They pollinate plants. But the really critical function they have performed for mankind is that they pollinate l...