Author Details


Member Since: 14th May 2009
No of Articles: 18
About Me:


07th March 2011

Basic Skin Care Steps

Most women (and men) are so busy they've difficulty finding time to consume care of their skin. Their intentions are good. They desire to have healthy, younger seeking skin. They get frustrated as soon as their skin doesn't behave. They struggle with brea...

06th August 2010

The Emergence of Coupons

Coupons are heavily used in the marketing field for varied uses such as offering rebates or discounts while purchasing a product, sales promotions and online advertisements. During 1887, a CEO helped transform a popular drink company from being an inco...

22nd January 2010

Why People Love Celebrity Gossips

People love to find out latest gossips about their favorite celebrities. After all, even if they don't buy the magazines, lots of people read the headlines on the gossip magazines, and most people absorb the information and spend the rest of the day wonde...

07th January 2010

Read a Review Before You Buy Movie Tickets

Bollywood movies have a huge fan following and there are countless people interested in reviews of the movies that are released. When a new movie is released, you want to know what the story is about. More importantly, you want to know whether the movie w...

23rd December 2009

Celebrity Gossip – What is the Fuss

Have you ever found yourself enthralled by what goes on in the personal lives of celebrities? Well, you aren't alone. A huge percentage of people all over the world look forward to opening up their magazine of choice and reading about what the famous are ...

07th December 2009

Why Do So Many People Love the Celebrity Gossips

The public is constantly curious about the rich and famous and how they live their lives. Inquiring minds want to know, how much money they make and how they spend it. Do the celebrities have love interest or children and what are their dreams and aspirat...

07th December 2009

Why is Robert Pattinson So Popular among Young People

My youngest daughter has had a major crush on Zac Efron since the first High School Musical years ago. Her love for this particular (adorable) actor has only grown through two other High School Musicals and Hairspray. However, little did Mr. Efron know th...

30th November 2009

Celebrity News and Gossips are Two Sides of the Same Coin

Facing a celebrity gossip, no matter how big or small, is part of the glitz and glamour of being a celebrity. As celebrities are known personas, it is just normal for people to be interested in all the happenings of their lives, even the tiniest bit of is...

19th October 2009

Celebrity News and Videos is a Big Craze on the Internet

Over the past few years the internet has made its presence felt almost in all areas. It has widely captured the attention of all music and movie lovers from all across the world and allowed them watch their favorite music videos or celebrity video clips o...

25th September 2009

Celebrity Gossips and Celebrity News are Two Different Sides of the Same Coin

Facing a celebrity gossip, no matter how big or small, is part of the glitz and glamour of being a celebrity. As celebrities are known personas, it is just normal for people to be interested in all the happenings of their lives, even the tiniest bit of is...

23rd September 2009

Celebrity Plastic Surgery Can Make You Young and Beautiful

Look around and you will see that celebrity plastic surgery is everywhere. Enhanced breasts, nose surgery, eyelid surgery and liposuction are the norm in Hollywood. From Lisa Rinna's over-inflated lips to Jennifer Aniston's cute little nose, the visibilit...

17th September 2009

Mindless Celebrity News Can Be Damaging

The sight of Paris Hilton going to jail created a frenzy of news media coverage for two full days. Hilton was the number three story on cable TV. It was the eighth most heavily covered story on network TV news. However, this celebrity faux news did not ma...

15th September 2009

What will be the Fate of these Kapoors

The newest Kapoor in the town, to be making their mark soon in a big way, are Ranbir Kapoor and Sonam Kapoor. While it is difficult to gauge there talent at this stage, but after the release of promos of their debut film SAAWARIYA, it's clear that they ar...

15th September 2009

How Can Celebrities Loose So Much Wait So Early

Many of you who are suffering from weight problems are wondering how celebrities can lose weight so fast. You may think that they are taking some kinds of slimming medicines to help them to shape their body up fast. If you are thinking so, you are wrong. ...

07th September 2009

Celebrity News – Gossip or Truth

I have never been that interested in what the "celebrities" were doing. I was too busy living my own exciting life filled with my relationships, work, and moving, gaining weight; losing weight among all the other stuff we all go through. But one day my co...