Author Details


Member Since: 06th May 2009
No of Articles: 3
About Me:


11th June 2009

The Art of Piano Moving

In plenty of cartoons and movies, one of the more common scenes involves the moving of a piano into an apartment or a house. Obviously, the lunacy of a person moving an object 5x heavier and larger than themselves makes for a comical situation, and is pla...

11th June 2009

Piano Restoration: Bringing the old beauty back to life

Many grand old pianos still have a lot of life left in them, but only if a little love is lavished upon them. Piano restoration is the best example of that love, as even a hundred year old grand piano with loads of scratches and dead strings can be made t...

11th June 2009

Choosing the Right Piano Bench

If a piano is the singer and a piano is the song, then a piano bench is the unnoticed drool that allows the song to come out smooth and silky. While the analogy to drool sounds funny, it is in fact an accurate description of a piano bench's duties. Ju...