Author Details

Progress Books

Member Since: 23rd March 2009
No of Articles: 5
About Me: Progress Books is a publisher of socialist and communist books in Canada by authors such as Tim Buck.


01st April 2009

The Economic Crisis: Who's Responsible?

It would be easy to pin the blame for the economic meltdown on a few greedy individuals. It's true that a handful of global billionaires and gigantic transnational corporations have artificially inflated and manipulated the values of real estate, high tec...

01st April 2009

World Federation of Trade Unions Calls for April 1st Labor Action

Unions affiliated to the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) met in Lisbon in December to discuss the world financial crisis and advance a set of demands. The assembled WFTU affiliates set Wednesday, April 1, 2009 as an international date for wor...

27th March 2009

A Virus Among Us: Book Review

Are liberals in control? Do they really hurt the people they try to help? How you answer depends on your definition of the "L" word. Once, to be a liberal meant to privilege the market over people. So wrote Adam Smith, the guru of capitalism, over two ...

27th March 2009

Summary of the Communist Manifesto

The Communist Manifesto calls for the overthrow of capitalism, and the establishment of socialism. It has four sections. In the first section, it discusses the historical materialist view of history and the relationship between workers and capitalis...

27th March 2009

What is the Communist Manifesto

The Communist Manifesto was published for the first time 160 years ago, in London, in February-March 1848. It was commissioned to Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels by the 2nd Congress of the Communist League in order to be used as its program. The first ...