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Member Since: 16th March 2009
No of Articles: 3
About Me:


24th May 2010

Make Protestors Support Illegal Aliens

General Al Sharpton is slowly making his way toward Arizona. First he had to get the blessing of Commander Dithers, then it was off to the hairdresser, and track suit maker. I used to call Reverend Sharpton Fat Al…but then I had to switch that designati...

06th January 2010

All Hail Janet Napolitano Secretary Of Homeland Security

There are those who will say that it isn't poor little Janet's fault that she can't find her ample ass with four sets of eyes and three pair of hands. She has the damnable itch that just won't go away, the itch being those quirky jihadists that are seemin...

05th January 2010

Give Chuck Schumer 1.2 Million Volts For Christmas

Chuck is in the news again. Not Charles Barkley, whom I like, but Chuck (U Farley) Schumer, the senior Senator from New York, who last weekend was on a plane spreading the holiday cheer. Chuck has a special way of making people feel good when he trave...