Author Details

shipra kaul

Member Since: 13th May 2008
No of Articles: 5
About Me:


11th July 2009

SMS Advertising Benefits

(1) There was never before such a powerful way of reaching customers on personal basis. Messages are directly delivered to the mobile phones of the customers so that they should know about the products as well as service offered by the company. 70% of the...

04th July 2009

Developing Business via SMS services

SMS or the text messages are an appropriate way sending messages to the mobiles phones. It is considered as a cost-effective and easy method of getting connected to our relatives & friends. That is, text messaging is the widely used data application these...

01st July 2009

SMS API Services

SMS has become the most popular way of conveying messages to your loved ones. You can easily share your feelings with a person whom you think to be really close to your heart. A mobile phone has actually made this possible. One of the latest features ...

16th April 2009

The Bulk Sms Solutions

The SMS service has been helpful to a large number of people in different ways. People use the SMS service for different purposes. Sometimes, you might require the sending of several messages to different people at the same time. This is termed as bulk S...

28th March 2009

All About The Mobile Marketing

The mobile phones have emerged as the excellent gadgets used for communicating with one another. With the help of the mobile phones, the business owners have been successful in increasing the popularity of their firm. The mobile marketing has improved...