Author Details


Member Since: 12th May 2008
No of Articles: 3
About Me: Media Planner & Advertising Strategist for a leading Media & Advertising Enterprise in India.


30th June 2009

Promoting Talents through Event Management

The gradual increase in Reality shows on Indian Television has made numerous companies to manage and promote the upcoming talents. These participants are more like next door neighbors coming from far away places to try their luck. Talent Management refers...

17th June 2009

Money, Media and Entertainment.

India is one place where Film stars are worshipped next to god. Celebrities are always sought after and always in the hunt. Whether it is an important felicitation civil ceremony, the marriage of an important person in city or the unraveling of a painting...

13th March 2009

Of movies, Money and Bollywood

Thanks to the country's increasingly globalized business platform, there is immense scope for a creative and market-attuned movie production company in India today. The Indian film industry - both in the advertising and entertainment sectors - now rivals ...