Author Details


Member Since: 20th December 2007
No of Articles: 3
About Me:


29th May 2009

The right way to look beautiful

Everyone just loves to have a perfect body, skin, shape, and "perfect" is the word that we look for… in our compliments. But with the human tendency of wanting something more and more in our body just never seems to be perfect to us. Sometimes, we feel ...

18th May 2009

Interesting make-up keys for cool skin and dark hair

Make- up is considered as an art as well as a creative nuance in the modern era. People these days like to follow the fashion trend of the day. The scenario is consistently increasing to look good and follow the make-up trends that are based on the type ...

24th April 2009

Basics about shampoos

Recently there have been new introductions of many exquisite hair care products; there are many users of these products that are not much aware about the basics of hair care products and inturn this has led to the development of a number of misconceptions...