Astrology and Astral Remedies

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The problems in life are caused by weak planets and/or afflictions to them.

Therefore, two ways application of astral remedies is administered after diagnosing the problematic planetary influences in a chart.

Firstly, the strength is provided to the weak functionally benefic planets.

The strength can be provided by various method, e.g. stones, color therapy, KAVACH (the protective shield or Yantra containing mystical numbers of the functionally malefic planets) in an auspicious time.

Secondly, the malevolence of the functionally malefic planets is reduced by offering propitiatory charities concerning these planets.

The two ways application helps in reducing the impact of malefic planetary influence to a large extent.

The preventive use of astral remedies is much more useful than the curative astral remedies.

Generally, people resort to astral remedies in the end after trying all other therapies and ignoring the distinct advantage of preventive diagnostic power of the astrological science.

Needless to stress, the benefit of preventive medicine/redressal measures is always better than that of the curative measures. For both-curative and preventive remedies – the judicious mixture of the following astral remedies is applied.

Colour Therapy –
This is a very potent preventive remedy for epilepsy, mental retardation, psychic problems etc and is practiced through the use of favorable colours in the matters of dress and furnishings in one’s living room.

Again this is a preventive as well as curative therapy for solving the problems in physical and spiritual areas.

Wider applications of this therapy are in the field of success of professional ventures.

This is practiced through the use of outlay of a building with the help of light, air, space and aura conducive to the main functionary.

This is a protective shield containing mystical numbers of the functionally benefic planets in a nativity and is a strengthening measure.

The weak and afflicted planets are enabled to protect and promote their significations.

The kavach is worn in a specially elected auspicious time for generating the desired impact. This is used both for preventive and curative purpose.

As part of the meditation, the recitation of Mantras is prescribed for propitiating the trouble causing planets as per the Vedic rituals.

These are offered for the planets causing afflictions/problems in a horoscope.

The malefic influences are effectively tackled with the help of propitiatory measures for the afflicting planets which are as under:-
The Sun: Give handful of wet wheat with 15-20 grams of jaggery (Gur) to a
cow, or one’s Father or helping oldage needy person.

The Moon: Give dough to a cow, or serving one’s mother or oldage women.

Mars: Morning prayers for ten minutes and being considerate to one’s your

Mercury: Offering green fodder (about2KG) to a cow, or helping poor and
Needy children.

Jupiter: Offering one bundi laddu (a yellow colored sweet) to the bird or
Offering Service to One’s preceptor/teacher.

Venus: Offering white colored sweet to the birds or helping ladies in

Saturn: Offering simple salty food to the birds or helping poor.

Rahu: Giving away brown colored sweets to the birds or helping oldage
needy persons Or Lepers.

Ketu: Offering some food to a stray dog or serving/helping
institutions/persons Working for spiritualism.

These remedies are to be performed daily in the morning after bath and before breakfast.

The weakness of the signification planets, as indicated earlier, is made up to a large extent with the help of a specially prepared KAVACH (YANTRA) to be worn by the native an auspicious time.

The astral remedies start showing the results of improvement with in a couple of months.

Now it seems very easy to cure your planet related problem remedies given by the world best astrologer Hemant Sharma ji . Astrologer Sharma ji given below the details of the design, size and mystical numbers to be engraved on both side of the KAVACH in an auspicious time. The design and size would be as shown below while the thickness would be 1.5mm.
The blanks of the KAVACH can be prepared before the auspicious time while the engravings are to be done in the auspicious time.

The methodology to work out the auspicious time has been detailed in the book “Systems Approach for Interpreting the Horoscopes”.

After the engravings have been done, the KAVACH should be worn around the neck in a thick and strong thread or a golden/silver chain, immediately thereafter.

These are to be worn continuously and there is no precaution. If the thread is required to be changed the same can be done while the KAVACH is around the neck and the old thread can be removed.

The power of the KAVACH is energized by the prescriber following the divine conduct.

These KAVACH get power to do good when the engravings are done in an auspicious time as also due to a prescribed way of life. The person prescribing use of the KAVACH should follow the following:-
Bath in the morning without any bed tea, etc.

Prayers to Lord Performance of remedies as per his/her own chart.

Practice the divine way in life-that is
1.Be content.

2. Increase utility to humanity.

3. Help poor and needy.

4. Be kind, generous, benevolent.

5. Avoid deeper involvement in sensual pleasures, anger, pride, greed and envy.

According to World Famous Astrologer Hemant Sharma ji Continuous practices of the above principles helps in generating power for helping others to word off evils in life and derive benefits indicated by the benefic planets in one’s chart.

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