Answering rules services facility offered by RingCentral

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Answering rules services facility offered by RingCentral can be immensely helpful to all subscribers. You can direct callers to voicemail, extensions and alternate phone numbers based on date and time, date range, and caller ID including the number they dial (for persons who have more than one number).

RingCentral Answering Rules are indeed flexible as you can configure and modify your system with such ease and speed. As a matter of fact, you can create rules for individual mailboxes, extensions and your main line. Quite a lot of RingCentral subscribers have created rules to configure their systems in imaginative ways. You can also your own creative intelligence to adapt the system to your maximum advantage.

Remember you can have as many call answering rules as you wish to have, using one or all three filters - Date and time or date range. Set your business hours, choose a favorite greeting to play and decide how to route calls. You can also determine how differently to handle incoming calls after office hours - like directing calls to voicemail. Route calls to any of your phones and play a custom greeting during specified date ranges when on holidays, or during special events.

Calls can be routed in a discreet manner as family, key customers, close business associates and personal friends can reach you directly on your cell phone, while all others will be directed to your desk phone or an impersonal voicemail. You can program calls to various staff members - calls to go to different agents on different weekdays.

It is your prerogative to choose which of your RingCentral phone numbers a rule should apply to. For instance, you can apply a rule to your local or toll free number(s) and then indicate where calls should go. As a matter of fact, you can control your Answering Rules online from any computer.

Calls will be answered according to the program you have set - who is calling, or what number they are calling, based on your needs. When receiving an incoming call, RingCentral identifies the factors of the call: time, day, incoming number, number dialed, etc. and automatically answers the call by your own programmed configurations.

Your RingCentral Answering Rules is just one of the several features included with your virtual phone system. You can start with using only your Answering Rules and then selectively use additional features as your business needs expand. RingCentral takes personal care and supports all your business communication needs to provide you the competitive edge for you to develop and grow in your business.

To recap the salient features:

There is versatility as you can have different greetings play at different times of the day. You can record multiple greetings and program the system to play your greetings on a day and time schedule.

You can have your RingCentral number forwarded to different phones during off-hours. All you need is to change your forwarding options according to the day of the week and time of the day.

You can let only certain people of your choice to get through to your RingCentral number during off-hours, holidays and vacation time.

Yet another rule that can be configured is to simultaneously send all other callers to voicemail or to another phone number such as your business partner.

Internet Fax Service can benefit for your business in several additional ways. To learn more visit: RingCentral or Toll Free Number. There is also information here on 800 numbers for Business and non-business use.

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Online Fax can benefit for your business in several additional ways. To learn more visit: There is also information here on 800 Numbers for Business and non-business use.

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