Air pollution

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Air pollution simply is releasing of harmful substances into the air through various human activities. It is very common and dangerous. It is a general awareness among the people that air pollution is just smog, acid rain, CFC's, and other forms of outdoor air pollution. But air pollution also can exist inside homes and buildings. The health of people is affected by chemical substances present in the air within buildings. Due to very rapid air pollution, holes are caused in the ozone layer of the earth thereby affecting the balance of nature. People should be aware of Eco-friendly products.
Air pollution is caused by various number of reasons. Smoke emitted out of factories and chemical plants, crackers, cars, burning the wastes and garbage etc. There are many sources of indoor air pollution. Tobacco smoke, cooking and heating appliances, and vapors from building materials, paints, furniture, etc. which causes indoor pollution in the homes.
Air pollution causes many diseases. These can be for short term and long term. People suffer from various health problems such as asthma, heart and lung diseases. Long term effects can include chronic respiratory disease, lung cancer, heart disease, and even damage to the brain, nerves, liver, or kidneys more when the air is polluted.

Air pollution should really be reduced for a bright future. For the prevention of air pollution cutting of trees should be prohibited, littering of waste and garbage should be stopped, burning of crackers should be reduced. Eco-friendly products will be the key to a healthy nature.
Ecovillage products can be a great help for prevention of air pollution. Ecovillage products are eco-friendly products. One of the products is an eco-friendly non biodegradable umbrella. The fabric of this umbrella is made from recycled plastic which helps in reducing air pollution and is made without poisonous toxins. Another Ecovillage product is a natural paint That Cleans the air And Combats Mold and Mildew. This is also eco-friendly. As the air will be cleaned then it will ensure fresh air inside the house. Ecovillage offers eco- friendly handy non-toxic air freshener so that the air around is good and not like the ordinary one's which makes the air more polluted.

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