Activate your Christmas Party with PowerPoint and DVD Video

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The rapid working rhythm spaces people apart. Staff members at the same office barely say a word to each other in whole day and the work team is always lack of communication. The office workers need to make a change by certain matters. Holding a Christmas party is one of the best opportunities to make comprehensive communication with your employees and colleagues.

Christmas party can have your staff released their pressure of working burdens, give more chances for communication, enhance their affections and do positive encouragement of team cooperation. It's worthy for every company to hold such kind of party at one of the most important holidays in the year, despite the expenses of money and time.
Christams Presentaion to DVD Movie - PowerPoint to DVD Converter

Since there're lots of benefits of holding Christmas party, have you ever thought about that how to increase the atmosphere of party and make it really an impressive memory for your staff? Creating a Christmas-related and engaging DVD video sounds a good idea. Here are some tips for you to create such a DVD movie if you have PowerPoint and some PowerPoint converter.

1. Add photo slideshow of your staff
Collect photos of your employees and colleagues. Photos can be the ones taken during work, on travel or in spare time. Put all of them into PowerPoint in the queue, and make them play one by one with animaiton. Don't forget to add some interesting descriptions or encouraging comments for each photo. You staff must appreciate your considerate interaction when they watch their photo showing on DVD.

2. Add wishes to your staff
When the party goes into a climax and needs a conclusion before carnival. Leave a video summary and give the best wishes to everyone be present. There's one more thing you can do is to make your staff remember this fantastic Christmas party. With PowerPoint converter like PPT2DVD, you can burn your PowerPoint to DVD and share it with your employees and colleagues as a gift.

3. Add a praise for employees
This is a simple but really impressive way to encourage your employees by video. Use one PowerPoint slide to list the name of the best employees and give them extra rewards at the party. You can also add one advance slide to make it mysterious, or divide this activity into several parts and distribute them separately in you PowerPoint, making the full Christmas party elevating and worth expecting.

4. Add an interactive quiz
Prepare some interesting questions and quizzes in your PowerPoint (they can be Christmas related or what else like brain twists). Set animation so that the answer can only be shown by another mouse click. Then it is the time you gather all people and show them your grand coup. In that case, all attentions can be easily focused on one point and again, you lead the party and bring happiness to all people. It's just one of the methods to make interactive programs. Lucky draw and hazard a conjecture can also be the roll of Christmas party.

There are many creative elements you can add into your DVD video to make it vivid and impressive. Just create one great DVD movie with your imagination.

Therefore, DVD video can bring more funs and get your employees together at party, making a wholehearted communication and team stimulation. It's also a great chance to allow people to let loose and get to know one another so that they can better work with each other during the rest of the days. Now get start to prepare for your Christmas party and make full use of your PowerPoint and PPT2DVD. You can create an amazing Christmas night.

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