A major advantage to using Radiesse

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The FDA has recently approved Radiesse, dermal filler, as an alternative cosmetic procedure for the eradication of facial folds and wrinkles.

It has rapidly gained momentum here in the United States as the new standard for the attainment of a more youthful and flawless complexion. It follows in the wake of the vanguard of injectables, Botox, and other similar plastic surgery techniques currently popular with the clientele searching for that elusive fountain of youth.

The two primary selling features of this novel dermal filler are its cost effectiveness and significant low risk as compared to other related cosmetic treatments available on the market.

A major advantage to using Radiesse is that the patient isn't required to undergo an extensive allergy testing regimen prior to the administration of this unique dermal filler. The reason for this is that the constituents found in Radiesse are similar in structure to those found in the human body. Thus, no immune response is triggered and the costly allergen testing is eliminated.

Radiesse utilizes a unique microspheres technology in its make up. These microspheres contain synthetic calcium hydoxylapatite which are suspended in a water-based gel matrix of carboxymethylcellulose. Calcium hydroxylapatite is a natural component of human bone and teeth.

The compound carboxymethylcellulose is routinely used as a thickening agent and is found in such familiar items as toothpaste and ice cream. It has been shown that the microspheres in Radiesse are safely and naturally reabsorbed by the human body

Besides the elimination of allergen testing, it is important to note that those individuals that have undergone a Radiesse treatment have unanimously asserted that they were able to attain their desired visual improvement quickly with minimal amounts of the product and fewer office visits than with other methods.

This argument can be extremely persuasive for time pressed patients with limited financial resources to select Radiesse as their treatment of choice.

Clinical studies have shown that the desirable effects of this procedure can last for a year or more depending on the individual. This is a great boon for the patient since they will experience a double savings of both time and money.

Radiesse is certainly not a newcomer in the arena of plastic surgery. For quite a number of years this product has been utilized worldwide in a variety of prosthetic implants used in dental, facial and orthopedic surgeries.

The most amazing thing about unique dermal filler is its ability to stimulate collagen production at the site of administration. The new collagen then gradually replaces the synthetic compound over time as it is reabsorbed by the body. The total replacement of Radiesse by new collagen is complete by three months.

Another important clinical finding is that this compound also provides facial volume resulting in a more natural and youthful appearance.

The actual procedure itself is quite simple to perform and minimally invasive. A mild local anesthetic is used to numb the area before procedure. The numbing effect of the anesthetic normally wears off within a half hour. The drug is then administered to the site via injection.

The lingering effects of the procedure are minimal and there will be some slight swelling due to the expansion of the facial tissue. This is normally resolved within a day.

None of the patients that were interviewed have complained about any long term pain. They have commented on how are pleased with the softness of facial area and that the product is virtually undetectable. Incredibly, patients can resume normal activities within just a few short hours. However, there are certain things that one should avoid for at least 48 hours after the procedure is performed such as strenuous laughing, drinking through a straw, and singing.

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