A Face Wrinkle Cream Like No Other

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In order for your chosen face wrinkle cream to work it needs to contain the right ingredients. Unfortunately, most of the anti aging skin care formulas being made available do not have anything in them that you should want anywhere remotely near your skin. These companies are of the mind that they can sell their customers just about anything that they want to, no matter what it is.

This is pretty close to the truth, because in most places the regulatory agencies have precious little control over what it is that the cosmetics companies do. In the United States for example, the Food and Drug Administration has attempted to take steps in order to abolish the use of toxic chemicals in skin care formulas. They have been unsuccessful in doing so.

The courts have ruled repeatedly in favor of allowing the cosmetics industry to largely regulate themselves. This means that the face wrinkle cream available to you will continue to mostly be composed of carcinogenic chemicals. These are being used by the cosmetics companies because they cost less than the natural compounds that you need in order to effectively treat your skin.

It is always nice to find out that a company you give your money to regularly think so little of you that they would include chemical agents in their formulas that could literally threaten your life. The worst part about it is that the use of these chemical agents as a way to save money is totally unnecessary. The major cosmetics companies enjoy annual profits in the billions.

It is my opinion that everyone should boycott the products manufactured by the major cosmetics companies until they change their ways. They are not likely to start making their products safe and effective anytime soon however, so you might want to try and find a company that uses nothing except natural compounds in their face wrinkle cream and stick with them.

The best ingredients that you can use on your skin are oils, extracts, and waxes derived from fruits and vegetables. These compounds contain properties that cause them to work far more effectively with your skin than any other compounds in use. You also want your formula to contain enzymes and proteins in them, because certain combinations can have a wondrous effect on your skin.

There is one cosmetics company that has uncovered a specific combination of enzymes and zinc and copper protein complexes for use in their face wrinkle cream, which improves the production of the molecules that form collagen and elastin. This company is also responsible for a kelp extract that causes the hyaluronidase enzyme to halt the destruction of your hyaluronic acid.

The discovery of Cynergy TK and Phytessence Wakame put this company's face wrinkle cream in a whole new category. Now, you are finally able to use a formula for treating your skin that is both safe and effective, which is something that you cannot expect from the majority of the creams and lotions out there. For success when it comes to looking younger this is the formula that you need.

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Yu Morita is a researcher of natural skin care. Visit her site at http://www.skin-care-advice.info/ and discover what type of skin care product she recommends.

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