A Big Hair Killer-Stress

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Everyone has to live with some about of stress in their life, it is a fact of life and some of it can benefit us while other forms of stress can be detrimental to individuals both mentally and physically. Telogen Effluvium is one of the effects that can result from extreme stress, basically this is a thinning of a persons hair due to stress. Stress and hair loss don't necessary cause the other to occur. Stress doesn't have a direct result on a persons hair loss.

Stress is a major health concern and one of the big risks that it can pose is potential hair thinning, ultimately ending up with you losing your hair. Stress itself does not actually cause hair loss in its own right. But what does, is the repercussions that stress in its self can bring. What I mean by this, is that if you are stressed, you usually fall into certain habits, which can lead to you losing your hair. Below are a few factors you should try to eliminate when you are stressed.

Stress and hair loss doesn't result in faster hair loss, rather it causes individuals to fall into personal habits that lead to the hair loss. Stress has a direct effect on these personal habits and you can minimize the effects of stress and hair loss by dealing with these issues. Consider a few of the habits and how you can take the precautions to avoid both stress and hair loss.

First and foremost we will have to look at alcohol and cigarettes, when people tend to feel the pressures of the world coming towards them; they usually turn to the solution of tobacco or alcohol. Although it may feel that these substances are helping you get through the situation, it is not the answer. They have more chance of harming you, especially if used over a long period of time, and they are the number one hair loss cause.

One of the very first things you can do for yourself is to relax. Simple as it sounds this technique is easier said than done. But if you apply even a little bit of this technique it may work wonders for you. Relaxation can be as simple as closing your eyes and daydreaming where you would like to be. Thinking of beaches, reading a good book, going on a bicycle ride, going swimming, a hard workout. Whatever it is that you consider relaxing might do the trick in combatting hair loss. Now that you've thought about what relaxes you now is the time to actually make a plan to do it. So many put off what's good for them and never really do what is necessary for them to do. A lot of people just make excuses for not doing something that's enjoyable for them. No more excuses. Just do it and you just might find your hair loss under control.

Another way to diffuse stress is by diet. Start eating right, and following some kind of diet plan that you've been putting off long enough now. There's enough information out there in the paper, on the internet, all over the place that you can look at and know what to eat.

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