855, Order New Toll Free Prefix

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After 10 years of awaiting the release of the new area code 855, the time has now finally come. Opening an opportunity for all toll free number subscribers and non-subscribers, the 855 new toll free prefix provides wider service area locations for businesses to reach - and more benefits. What company wouldn't want to extend their successful reign in the industry? What company wouldn't do anything to make sure their ahead in the competition? Well, if you order new toll free prefix 855, then your company is definitely one of those willing to risk and bask in the benefits of toll free numbers.

What can the new 855 toll free number prefix do for a company?

As the newest toll free prefix, by availing the 855 toll free number, you'll be able to use the publicity of the release of the prefix to gain attention to your own company. With a new toll free prefix, customers and clients will view the company as updated with the latest technology. This will bring in the national status of a strong and reliable company who is willing to reach out to the masses for feedback, opinion and communication.

Aside from basking in the free publicity brought by the newly released prefix 855, you'll also be able to expand services to areas that were never before touched by other companies for the obvious reasons that the 855 has now only been released. Be the first to be known in those out of service areas and make your mark as the first company to brand in a new location. By stepping into the opportunity, you may also be able to block future competitors out of the new market. Other companies will have to keep up with your marketing plans so that they won't have to be left behind or maybe even pull themselves out of the competitive industry. After all, there are benefits for the first comers.

Be one of the first to order new toll free prefix and unify your company's branding techniques along with other toll free numbers. Expand your services, present a stronger brand to the public and make sure you're up to date with other competitors. Find ways to pull ahead in the industry and use your toll free numbers to attract more people and gain customers, open new opportunities, attain mass media attention and increase profits for your company.

Log on http://www.customtollfree.com for further information.

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