6 Things You Must Do Whenever You Publish New Content

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Publishing new content has become an essential online marketing tactic. It has become integral to the success of any Internet marketing strategy today.

Publishing content offers several benefits. Updating your website frequently is one of the most important factors for ranking high on search engines. Publishing quality content also adds credibility to your business, builds trust among consumers, and improves the online reputation of your business.

Any business that wants to succeed online today is involved with content creation whether it is publishing tutorials or offering advice on their website, writing new blog posts, or producing eBooks, whitepapers or reports.

However, in spite of its benefits, producing content has its drawbacks. One of the main challenges is that it can be very time consuming. It is hence vital to get it right. It is important to use a strategy that will get the most exposure for your content and maximise the benefits for your business.

In this article, we take a look at 6 things you must do when ever you publish new content as part of your online marketing efforts.

1. Run Your Titles Through Google Keyword Tool


Google Keyword Tool is a popular keyword research tool that is free to use. But it offers another advantage that has made it very popular among bloggers and publishers all over the world. It offers a very effective to find new topics to write about.  I also find it useful for tweaking the titles of my posts before publishing. Running the titles through the tool allows me to ensure the title I have chosen matches what users are actually searching for. Without this you risk writing content that  will never be searched and read only a few times.

Let’s say you have just written an article about website marketing. What should be the title of your article? As you probably already know, the title plays a very important role in SEO and should include your primary search terms. In this example, “How to market your website?”, “how to promote your website?”, or “Website marketing tips” – are all appropriate candidates for the title. How do you know  which one to use?

This is where Google Keyword Tool can help. You can simply enter your choices one on each line and hit enter. The tools will show monthly search volumes, competition for each term, as well as offer suggestions or alternatives.  You can thus eliminate guess work and choose your title based on real search data.

2. Include At Least One Internal Link

The benefits of good internal linking are widely acknowledged. It is a good SEO practice that can improve your search engine ranking. It makes it easier for search engines to index your website and ensures a wider coverage on search engine results. Linking to a relevant page also improves readability and navigation. It also increases ‘page views’ which is an important metric to measure website performance.

3. Link To Relevant External Resources

This is different to linking to another article on your site as discussed above. It may seem counterproductive at first and you may not want to risk passing link juice and traffic to another website. However, linking to relevant external sites offers many advantages.

Firstly, linking to a high value resource will improve the quality of your content and make it more valuable for readers.

Additionally, when you link to other sites, the publisher or webmaster of the site will take note. Most users will reciprocate in some way whether by linking back to your site, giving your site a mention, following you on social media, or by commenting on your content. This will bring more exposure for your website and help expand your network.

4. Include Images (Flickr)

Images are very important in content. Including images in your content makes it easier to attract more readers and increases the chances of going viral. Articles with images are also shared more on social networks. I try to include at least one image in every new piece of content I create and I highly recommend you to do the same.

Flick is an excellent source for obtaining images for your articles. There is a large variety to choose from and a majority of the images are free to use as long as you reference it correctly. Another benefit is that Flickr allows you to embed the images from its servers directly without the need to upload images to your own server.  This can save valuable bandwidth and make your site load faster.

Here are some tips:

Make sure image is relevant to the topic

Take advantage of sites like Flickr to source images.

5. Implement Core On-Page Optimisation Techniques

Search engines have evolved and are focusing increasingly towards natural organic SEO methods. Google is also better at recognising over optimisation tactics and it is generally recommended to exercise caution when optimising your content. However, SEO is still important. Good on-page optimisation can still improve the chances of your content ranking high on search engines. Before you publish any content, make sure the core on-page optimisation elements are present on the page.

Here are some tips:

  • Keyword should be present in the page title

  • Include keywords in Meta title and Meta description of the page

  • Use search engine friendly page name and include your keywords in the name

  • Optimise each page for one or at most two keywords/search terms

  • Include keywords in Alt description of images

  • Make sure keywords occur a few times in web page text

5. Share Your Content on Your Social Networks

It is a good practice to share all new content you publish on all your social networks. This is a simple yet effective way to attract readers. Instead of posting your link on each site separately, you can take advantage of social media dashboards like HootSuite to post on several social networks at once, saving you valuable time and effort. You can also take advantage of the automatic scheduling feature that will spread your posts out and schedule them at optimal times in order to get the best possible engagement. This process can also be easily automated by adding your RSS feed. This will ensure new posts from your website or blog are automatically posted to your social profiles.


Creating new content has become integral to the success of any business online today. Given above are 6 essential publishing tips that can help you to make the most of your content marketing efforts. Do you publish content as part of your marketing efforts? How do you go about it? Do you follow the tips given above? We would like to hear from you. Please add your response by leaving a comment below.

Author K.Singh is the Director of Website Design Agency based in London and the Editor-in-Chief of Internet Marketing & Web design Blog.

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