5 Popular Hair Tips Exposed

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The Internet is saturated with hair care advice. Do this, do that, don't do this, don't do that and the list goes on and on. How is a person to know what is true and what is simply hype or conjecture? Thankfully there are a few very popular hair tips which have recently been proven to be based on fiction, and not fact, when put under the microscope. In this article we will examine 5 of the most popular pieces of hair advice that you may encounter and expose them for the hair tips myths that they really are.

Hair Tips Myth #1: If you want your hair to grow faster simply get it trimmed more often

Myth Alert! Myth Alert! Recent information coming out of research being done at the University of California states that this is false! It is the follicles within your scalp that determines the rate of hair growth and not the ends of the hair, which is what is being trimmed. Regardless of whether you trim or not, your hair will still grow at an average rate of a 1/4 inch per month. What regular trims will do is to give the appearance of your hair looking a little longer, as this does get rid of split ends to help reduce breakage. Hair breakage can make your hair appear shorter since the ends are thinner. So to repeat, trimming will not make your hair grow faster!

Hair Tips Myth #2: Never use the same shampoo for long periods of time as it will stop working.

Myth Alert! Myth Alert! There is no evidence support this claim. Your favorite shampoo will not decrease in its ability to clean your hair after prolonged use. Depending on what you are doing to your hair, there are times when you may wish to switch shampoos to balance out things. For example if you decide to use heat products to style your hair more often than before, then you may want to switch to a moisturizing shampoo to help lessen hair damage due to the drying nature of the heat on your hair. Again, this change in shampoos is not because your current shampoo is no longer working, but for a totally different reason.

Hair Tips Myth #3: Lengthy periods of brushing daily is the key to healthy hair

Myth Alert! Myth Alert! Brushing your hair 100 times or 1000 times daily will have no effect on the health of your hair. Vigorous brushing does not add shine to your hair by spreading around scalp oil through the hair nor does it increase blood flow to the scalp which in turn promotes hair growth. How many times have we heard this one? Unfortunately heavy brushing often leads to severe hair damage due to the friction it causes on the hair which may result in cuticle damage and hair breakage. Current research is saying to brush your hair only as needed to style or untangle hair, and if you are brushing, avoid boar-bristle brushes as these are harder on the hair and scalp than synthetic plastic brushes. So to reiterate, concentrated hair brushing time will not give you healthier hair. In fact it may do just the opposite!

Hair Tips Myth #4: The less you shampoo, the less oil your scalp with produce

Myth Alert! Myth Alert! According to recent dermatology research being done in California, the amount that you shampoo, be it a little or a lot, has no effect whatsoever on your oil producing glands within the scalp. The amount of oil being produced by these glands is determined by hormones and genetics, not by your shampooing routine. In fact it does not matter how often you do or don't shampoo, the same amount of oil is going to be produced by the oil glands in your scalp. Obviously there is a need to keep hair clean if you wish to avoid a build up of dirt and oil on your scalp and hair follicles which could lead to infections and skin irritations that potentially could affect general hair growth. So shampoo when you feel the need to have clean health hair, and don't worry about any effect it will have on oil production.

Hair Tips Myth #5: Get shinier hair with a cold water rinse

Myth Alert? Myth Alert? Notice the question marks? They are not a typo, but are there for a reason. Talk to many hair stylists and they will say that this cold water rinse idea works great. Talk to a chemist and their response is more scientific in nature. Hair stylists will argue that the cold water causes the cuticle of your hair to shut which makes it flat and more light reflective thereby giving your hair that shiny appearance we all want. The chemist or biologist will counter this way of thinking by pointing out that hair contains no living cells, therefore it is unable to react to cold or even hot water. So this is one of those times that you may have to judge the evidence for yourself and see which group you want to believe.

So with the exception of perhaps Hair Tips Myth #5, which may or may not be true, you now have a better insight into whether or not the hair gossip you are hearing or reading at the hair salon or online is based on fact or fiction. Consider yourself "enlightened"!

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