5 Easy Ways To Care For Your Environment

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Global warming and pollution control are not objectives that can be handled single-handedly. But an honest effort to save our planet can take us a long way to preserve the environment. Few simple variations in our life-style and making it more earth-friendly can prove to be valuable individual efforts. Saving in the energy and the natural resources that are consumed everyday can be very effective. Here are five simple ways to save the environment on an individual account.

Drive smart and reduce driving - the air pollution is reduced as well as the greenhouse gas emissions each time the car is left at home. This saves health and money. For shorter trips one can ride a bicycle and for the longer ones public transport can be used. Researches have revealed that people opting for public transports are healthier than those who commute in private cars. The money saved by the use of public transport can cover the annual food costs of an average family. Even while driving one needs to ensure the perfect maintenance of the engine and check whether the tires are fully inflated.

Consume vegetables - when you consume more fruits, grains and vegetables and simultaneously reduce your meat, egg and other dairy products, you do your bit to reduce global warming. This is because when animals are raised for consumption, greenhouse gas emissions get maximized in comparison to the growing of the plants. Further there is also a big wastage on land, water, fuel and grains when animals are reared for food.

Go for reusable shopping bags - plastic bags makes use of a great deal of natural resources and are often found as litter that mar the landscape, clog the water way and also do their bit to kill marine life when they are dumped into the sea. And paper bags cost the natural resources pretty dear. The reusable shopping bags use materials that are environmental friendly and save the resources when they are not discarded after each use.

Change the light bulbs - compact fluorescent light bulbs and the light emitting diodes are extremely energy efficient and easy on the pocket too. They provide the same amount of light as the incandescent bulbs and even last ten times longer. The heat generated is also 70% less. So, they effectively reduce the energy costs required for cooling the room.

Go for online bill payment - online bill payment eliminates the requirement to write on paper, mail the checks and maintain paper records. Online bill payment lowers the administrative costs of the service providers besides saving you time and money.

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