3 Home Remedies for Acne

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Acne is never something that anyone wants to deal with. It can hit us at any age, generally starting in our teen years but it can also be troublesome in our adult years as well. While there are plenty of over the counter treatments as well as prescription medications and facial washes to help clear up acne, home remedies can sometimes provide the fasted relief. Below are three of the top home remedies for acne so you can be looking your best in no time at all.

1. People think that toothpaste is just for their pearly whites but that is not entirely true. Toothpaste can work wonders for those who suffer with troublesome acne spots. If you have acnes that are prone to being swollen and red then toothpaste may be just the thing for you. You simply place a little bit of toothpaste on the acne areas at bedtime and allow to dry while you're sleeping. Once you awake, you can rinse it off with warm water and you will be pleasantly surprised at the results of this wonderful overnight treatment. When you wake up and rinse off the toothpaste you will find that the swelling in the acne area has gone down as well as the redness in the area. This will help you to hide the acne issues that much easier.

2. Oatmeal is not just for breakfast anymore. Oatmeal can be used in two ways for your facial issues. Many people like to put it on as a facial mask in the evening. It helps to work on black heads as well as soaking up any access oil you may have on your face. You simply cook the oatmeal and let it cool for a few minutes so it is cool enough to apply to your face. Then apply as a false mask and allow to dry completely. Once completely dry, you can remove it with a warm face wash. The other way is to use it as an exfoliating scrub. You do this by using the oatmeal uncooked and dry. It will help you clear off the dead skin from your face as well as clear up black heads. You just use it as a scrub while uncooked and dry and then rinse with warm water.

3. Drink plenty of water. This is one of the biggest mistakes that people make when it comes to their skin. If your skin doesn't get enough water then it will become dry and flakey which in turn will cause unwanted breakouts. You should be sure to try to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of 8 ounces of water each say to help keep your skin well hydrated.

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Source: http://www.articleheaven.net/3-home-remedies-for-acne-1250787.html

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