10 Tips for younger looking skin...

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10 Tips For Younger Looking Skin
We all at some point in our lives, are thinking about "what happened to my skin.... and WHEN did those lines appear"? Both men and women go through these thoughts and they are all apart of our natural discovery of our life and bodies (well thats what i tell myself to bring this subject back to earth!)The skin is the body's largest organ, it depends on many factors to stay healthy and strong.Here are some realsitc healthy and natural tips of changing our habbits to regain the lusture our skin looses when we are not concentrating on oursleves, during our very busy and hesctic lifestyles;
1.Stay out of the sun when possible, dont worship the sun! It heats things up and genrally burns! Why do we do this to our skin and body? Enjoy it but dont wallow in it.Skin cancer is on the "up" and we need to be made more aware of the long term effects of the sun, later on in our lives. When i really need that all important "tan" for that killer dress, fake it! Buy a good self tanning lotion or a spray on tan for a light weight look. Its a lot cheaper than the bill you would rack up at the hospital for skin cancer treatment (and a big weight off your mind too for you and your family).

2.SPF! Every day after your mousuriser. A minimum of an SPF 15 should be used to get a basic coverage. This should be taught to all children now. The importance of re-inforcing good skin care habbits to younger generations is the only way a youthful skin will run in your family now.
3. A regular skin care routine - Cleanse, tone and moisurise DAILY! keep your skin clean and bacteria free. Acne can start to delveop from a build up of bacteria on your skin, as well as environmental and diertry factors.
4.Exfoliate -Dont exfoliate before you cleanse; doing so will remove makeup and dirt but not the dead skin cells responsible for pore blockage and dull tone.Use an exfoliating cleanser, one that gently cleans away dirt sloughing dead skin cells.Dont press too hard - when using granular scrubs or exfoliating cloths, mild pressure is all that's required. Try to exfoliate twice weekly.
5.Avoid smoking and places where your skin is in contact with second hand smoke! Smoke will starve the skin of oxyggen, nuterients and give a sluggish look to the surface of the skin (not to mention the damage to your organs and Cancer's)

6.Balanced diet. Fish oils (actual fish in your diet is always a better nautual option) really help with skin and hair.
7.Drink plenty of water througout the day and rehydrate your body as a whole
8.Excerise, the increased blood flow to the body will boost the circulation to the skin and will make you look"peeky" and fresh.
9.SLEEP!zzzzzzzz. The most evident signs of lack of sleep are the dark circles and bags under our eyes. Other evidences take a little longer to appear, like dull skin . Not to mention the other effects on the body and general well being of the person - sleep is as importnant as being awake. We repair our bodies during sleep and revive every cell in it.
10. Teach- my only tip for number ten would be to "learn, do and teach" these tips!
visit my webste for great skin care products and advice! with FAST delivery before Christmas www.my-beautyshop.co.uk

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