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Articles, tagged with "discoveries", page 1

21st November 2011

The Reality Regarding Antiaging Systems Unveiled

At present it appears like pretty much every ingredient that you can buy has been shown to turn back the signs of aging. Either that or it's recently been connected to a vast array of ailments. One person says to you to enjoy a lot of protein, whereas som...

18th July 2011

Kid’s Telescopes: Help Your Child to Develop an Interest in Astronomy

One of the best ways of giving a boost to your child’s interest in astronomy is to get a kid’s telescope for him/her. If you see your child interested in observing the sky you could think of a reflector or refractor telescope as a gift. A telescope is...

31st May 2011

Discover the key to staying beautiful.

What is the answer to looking beautiful? The solution may surprise you. Underneath all the makeup along with other products, there's one essential principle at the bottom of it all: biology. Our bodies are amazing tools which have been the subject of scie...

24th May 2011

Live news: Cause Of Hyperactivity

What has technology given to us? This is not as nagging a question as it may seem at first glance. Answer to this question comes instantly to us. Answer in itself is “Fast”. This word talks about the super human speed that technology represents. Satellite...

31st March 2011

The New Age Children

Up until recently in our evolution, the human race as a species has undergone a long period of searching for spirituality outside of it’s self. Much of the ancient knowledge of the individual’s connection with the divine has disappeared with the advent o...

28th March 2011

What Creativity Can Do For Your Life

Creativity is a wonderful thing! It allows imaginations to soar, ideas to manifest, passions to be lived, houses to become homes, books to be written, songs to be sung or played, discoveries to be made, and so much more. One of the greatest benefits...

21st March 2011

The most Honest and Natural Diet Program on Internet. A personal Experience.

Having struggled with weight issues all my life since my childhood, ive seen and tried a lot of programs that promises you easy and fast solutions in losing weight. most of them, or in my case, ALL of them have failed to deliver. Although i cant put all t...

07th March 2011

Genealogy - Obtain The Correct Motive To Enjoy This Pastime

If you in the previous previously wondered in which you arrive from, or what your grand grand mother and father utilised to do when they however have been alive, you almost certainly would appreciate the genealogy hobby.You could have heard that is a dull...

10th February 2011

Heavenly Bodies Where Stars Form?

There are many reasons to have a fascination with stars, as one of the most mind blowing creations on this planet. The brilliant sparkle that lights the night sky has been a phenomenon to many, and even more interesting is the fact that they are actually ...

31st January 2011


world of innovation and the world is moving towards the same functionality through the various discoveries that humans are capable of doing. Discovery has been completed and will be in all that show progress through the use of our uniqueness and our minds...

22nd November 2010

The Many Uses of Composite Materials

Since time memorial, humans have an appetite to satisfy our wants and needs. It is in this clear notion that people tend not to be easily satisfied, hence, promotes innovation and discoveries in search for a better life. From mixing straw and mud to form ...

08th November 2010

Mobile Phone: A gadget that is making life better

The need of a mobile phone in our life has increased like never before. There are many latest phones coming up and people are simply obsessed with these gadgets and their functionalities. Mobiles have become more than just a essential requirement in ones ...

06th November 2010

The Latest Hair Loss Research Shows Promise For Many Who Would Not Have Benefited Before

What do you think the latest hair loss research is telling us when it comes to re-growing hair? You might be surprised to know the hair you have lost can be re-grown. Yes, with the discoveries that have been made today, it is entirely possible for lost...

20th October 2010

Information about Science News is to provide a bridge between scientists and the public. disseminates scientific information, and strives to become a platform to discuss developments in science and benefits of the pursuit of science to society. There are million...

28th September 2010

3 Mobile Phones - Bringing Along Countless Benefits

Since time, man has been able to keep coming up with contraptions and discoveries to satisfy growing needs and wants. Mobile phones have been one such successful invention in the field of communication and leisure. When its usage is made cheaper, its valu...

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