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Articles, tagged with "day jobs", page 1

28th February 2011

Prerequisites of music promoters

If the music promoters are not tied to a specific venue, they should: Liase with bands and agents to agree on a date for a performance; Negotiate a deal with the band/agent for the show - the fee to be paid and the accommodation provided by the promoter; ...

30th October 2009

Bring Cross University Training to your Desktop with Cross University Online

With the ever-changing technology of a unified communications system, an online education is the best way to stay on top of new trends. Cross University Online offers online education on demand at The onl...

02nd October 2009

Save on Phone Bills with Phone Cards

With the current situation of the world's economy, most families are now having difficulty in making end meet. Some work for longer hours and some accept jobs other than their regular day jobs just to be able to earn extra money that they could use to cov...

16th April 2009

Political Campaign, Between Idealist and Reality

Politics, as the process of groups of people make decisions. The common term is applied to behavior within civil governments, but actually politics has been observed in all human group interactions, including corporate, academic, and religious institution...

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