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Articles, tagged with "brittle hair", page 1

15th November 2011

Five Ways To Take Care Of Hair Right After Swimming

Caring for chlorine and sea water destroyed hair requires extra care as well as effort. To start off make use of a organic hair treatment, wash hair right away, use a conditioner, pat hair dry, and utilize a leave-in conditioner. Although swimming is a...

14th June 2011

What Causes Frizzy Hair

Frizzy hair is one of the main problems that women deal with on a daily basis. Reducing frizz can be a difficult task however before you can reduce it you need to understand why your hair is frizzy in the first place, because you may be causing your own h...

01st June 2011

Eliminate Split Ends Forever

Split ends of the hair shaft are a result of damage to the cuticle layer. The cuticle layer is the protective layer of the hair. It consists of overlapping cells much like shingles on a house and protects the cortex (the second layer of the hair) and the ...

10th May 2011

Several Important Steps to Follow When Utilizing Oil on Your Own Hair

There is no denying that using the proper hair treatment may do magic to your hair. It is important to make a healthy determination, obtain some essentials and follow this regime. Using oils on your hair is really beneficial and can do lots to revive brit...

13th April 2011

Quality Hair Products Need Not Cost The Earth

By Mary in Beauty
Beautiful hair requires the use of high-quality hair care products but good honest-to-goodness quality products does not necessarily mean they are expensive. These days, many outlets stock quality shampoos, conditioners and a vast range of hair products t...

14th October 2010

Hair Transplant highly effective and also expensive

The process of Brazilian Blowout Hair Transplant treatment involves washing the hair with mild shampoo, application of keratin to the hair cuticles, blow drying, heating with flat iron to seal in the formula, rinse and then dry one last time. The Hair T...

12th July 2010

Give Your Skin and Hair the Nurturing they Deserve

Hair and skin are considered as the most vital beauty enhancers for an individual. With jam packed schedules and lack of personal time; it is hard to devote time for nourishing your skin and hair. With new definitions of beauty, many products have come up...

15th December 2009

How to manage curly hair with hair care products

Curly hair is common and very easy to recognize as they look untidy and entangled. This type of hair is very difficult to comb or brush which makes it hard to manage them. Gratuitous use of shampoos, over use of heat-styling equipments, misuse of color, ...

22nd November 2009

Hair Style Advice for Weak Hair

By Luke in Beauty
The right hairstyle advice for weak hair can make a significant difference in your ability to grow long hair while offers great looks in the process. Getting a great haircut is a perfect start, along with regular visits to the salon. However, there is muc...

15th June 2009

Comfortable Hairstyling In The Summer Heat

The summer sun is our prime enemy of our skin and hair. It is our main concern that we are always carrying a sun block cream with us. You are going to a personal spa or anywhere but at home and with some prearrangement you can block the perilous heat of s...

15th May 2009

Some care for the hair

Our hair is the reflection of our health and personality. If we take proper care of it, it can add feathers to your beauty. But if neglected, it will lead to various hair problems, like hair fall, split ends, dandruff, brittle hair and many such. Therefor...

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