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Articles, tagged with "natural acne treatments", page 1

15th February 2011

The Truth About Acne Skin Care

The Truth About Acne Skin Care http:/ Let's face it, you are engaged in an ongoing battle when you are afflicted with acne. While acne treatments for a mild case of acne are usually successful, moderate acne is a gr...

15th December 2010

Natural Scar Removal

Skin damage can leave behind unsightly scars affecting our self-confidence over the long term just as much as our appearance Even if you are initially willing to face long recovery times and pay high surgery and chemical procedure costs, to get the final ...

18th December 2009

The Many Different Kinds Of Acne Help

Acne treatment and prevention is a long-term process which means you will need to make certain things part of your normal daily routine for maximum results. There are many products available for acne treatment and there is no reason not to research and...

17th December 2009

To get rid of your acne permenantly natural acne treatments are the best option.

Acne is usually something you would associate with being a teenager, we all know how embarrasing it can be and have probably experienced getting spots just as your about to attend that all important party. And you have one big pimple come right in the cen...

10th December 2009

5 Natural and chemical Acne Treatments

At one point all of us have been trying to find ways on how to be completely acne-free. Here are some natural and not so natural acne treatments that are proven to be effective. 1. Witch Hazel Astringent This astringent comes from the plant with ...

15th October 2009

Finding the Best Natural Remedies For Acne and Knowing the Prevention Methods is Easy Now

Natural acne treatments can work just as well as medication especially for mild acne cases. People should try natural remedies for acne before they turn to medication. Acne medication may be expensive and have side effects. Natural remedies for acn...

15th October 2009

Treatments for Acne best for you. – Looking after More than Your Skin

Acne is a pernicious condition that is as damaging to self-confidence as it is to the skin, but the wide variety of treatments for acne available today mean that nobody need soldier on without help. It can take what seems to the sufferer to be an agonizin...

13th October 2009

Natural Acne Remedies You Can Use at Home That Really Work to Treat Acne

There are several natural acne remedies you can use at home. Some can be mixed up right at home with regular household ingredients. Others you need to buy some of the ingredients from a supplement store. Mixtures of grated cucumbers, oatmeal and milk an...

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