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Articles, tagged with "critical situation", page 1

14th October 2011

Use Free Video Conference Connectivity for Trade

We are communicative beings. Looking at the speed at which we contact one another by means of mails, SMS and calls, video clip conferencing is a welcome change. Personal or business enterprise needs concerned several resources and powerful communication i...

22nd June 2011

Words & Phrases That Brings Customer Smile

The engagement to a customer over a telephone is one of the main task that is usually observed in a call center. Customer care executives (CCE) spend 90% of their scheduled time either by making a call to a customer or by receiving a call regarding some i...

17th May 2011

Emergency Message System: An Effective Guide to Tackle Emergency

Is there anyone who does not fear of facing crisis? Whether it is natural disasters like flood, earthquake, tsunami or man made terrors like terrorist attacks and similar things the sense of thought itself will leave you petrified. And guess what will hap...

26th April 2011

37 and 38 Weeks Pregnancy

37 Weeks Pregnant You are almost at the end of your pregnancy period. It is the time when you need to prepare yourself for any critical situation. It is essential to keep your hospital bag ready beforehand and don’t forget to keep all the important inf...

26th January 2011

Pick the Correct Fake Hair Pieces

Wigs had been deemed as an accessory. In the past, folks utilised to wear false half hair pieces to display their social standard. It was an object of prestige and sophistication. It was also applied for the objective of covering bald heads. Currently, th...

25th November 2009

Quality Guidelines of Call Center Requirements

Call Centre is the internet's leading community dedicated to provide impeccable services to their clients and customers. Call center work force should promote commonsense approaches to the issues that are encountered every day in their jobs. A dedicated i...

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