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Articles, tagged with "skin irritations", page 1

05th July 2011

Adaptogens are becoming more and more popular in the skin care world but not too many individuals ar

The name adaptogen is used to allude to a natural product that increases the body's opposition to stresses such as trauma, anxiety, and lethargy. Adaptogens do not block the tangible stress in your life, they just help your bodily organs, skin in this sit...

16th June 2011

Natural Hair Removal Cream

The summer time is near, so we must pay greater attention to our skin, as it is mandatory to get rid of the body hair before going to the seaside. Despite the fact that many people have a tendency to use exactly the same hair removal procedure for many ye...

21st April 2011

Dermatopin Wrinkle Cream for the Face and Eyes

Many creams are especially made just for the eyes or just for the face. This is because the face has much thicker skin compared to the eyes so you will need stronger chemicals for this part of the face. The eyes are more sensitive so you will need to use ...

18th April 2011

Reviews of UV Tattoo

Black light tattoos are done with ink that reacts to UV light. The ink is clear, making the tattoo invisible in regular light. It shines bright when beneath a black light. The black light makes the bright color literally glow. It's like having a black lig...

07th January 2011

How to Protect Your Skin from the Environmental Factors Encountered in the Outdoors

Planning on taking a winter vacation this year? Don't do so at the cost of your skin. What precisely is it that mountain air does to your skin, you ask? Many factors coming from the environment can make normal nourished skin to parched and inflammed. A ch...

23rd November 2010

What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Hair Removal Creams?

There are numerous methods and techniques to remove unwanted body hair. Some of them are cheap, others are more expansive. Some remove body hair permanently, others do it temporarily. Needless to say, there isn't a single method that offers only advantage...

22nd November 2010

The Exceptional Qualities of the Aloe Vera Plant

The excellence of the aloe vera plant is unfathomable. With more than a hundred different uses and medicinal value, this miraculous stem less plant is grown in tropical regions. Today most of the households grow this plant for domestic uses. The Medic...

20th October 2010

The Perfect Skin Care Moisturizer Creams

Skin care moisturizer creams that we find in some fashion magazines, TV, and other advertisement are quite convincing - right? We are amazed how these models still look extremely good even without make up. This leaves us thinking that the product can ...

26th April 2010

Why People Prefer Nitrile Gloves to Other Gloves

Nitrile gloves are said to be the most preferred gloves today as they are stronger than other vinyl and latex gloves. These are made out of synthetic latex. They offer high level of solvent resistance. The nitrile gloves do not allow the solvent smell to ...

28th January 2010

You Will Only Like Environmental Life If You Understand it

God has given this planet for the humanity not to just utilize it but also to maintain it. If we are determined to sustain its life we have to start in a small way which will go in a sustained way. This small way is to go for the environmental products or...

22nd December 2009

skin moisturizer

Most people consider skin moisturizers as treatment for dry skin but a skin moisturizer can do much more than moisturizing skin. A dry skin moisturizer is designed to prevent and treat dry skin but a skin moisturizing cream can also hydrate any skin type...

09th December 2009

Organic Beauty Care

An increasing number of consumers are choosing organic foods to reduce ingesting toxic pesticides. Organic foods are not the only way to avoid toxins in the body. Research has shown "that up to 60% of what we apply to our skin may be absorbed into the blo...

07th December 2009

How To Clean Your Kids Toys

Personally, I prefer to clean my kid's toys with all natural products because they are not only better for my children but they are better for the environment. So many times you hear of stories of the harsh chemicals in liquid cleansers and sponges cause...

29th October 2009

Diaper Rash - Can It Be Prevented?

You can purchase barrier gels like petroleum jelly or zinc oxide from any pharmacy and apply that on the affected areas of a baby's skin. The zinc oxide or petroleum jelly creams are relatively useful and act as barriers to sweat and moisture build-up. ...

28th August 2009 Brings Safe and Effective Skin Care Products

Are you bothered with the fine lines developing on your forehead and around your eyes? Worry no more because has the best solution to your skin aging problems. is one of the original companies who combine the healing p...

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