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Articles, tagged with "special interest groups", page 1

26th July 2011

Glenn Beck Books - All You Need to Know

Glenn Beck has restored faith in the Founders of our nation (restoring courage in israel tour). A copy of his pamphlet is included in the book. Glenn Beck compares that crucial time in history to the erosion of our freedoms today. His narrative is a remin...

20th June 2011

Estate Taxes Take a Real Bite Out of Your Dollar

The children gain twice as much joy from the receiving. They will be honoured and proud that their parents left a sizable legacy to a worthwhile charity. The only one who gets left out is the Tax Man at Canada Revenue Agency. Somehow most people aren't re...

04th April 2011

Why Is Communication Important?

Why communication is considered so important? At a very basic level, it is vital to any human encounter. Communication allows us to develop a civilized society and to transmit knowledge from one generation to another. It dramatically distinguishes humans ...

06th April 2010

Monthly Horoscope Forecasts and Bank Holidays in the Coming Year

India being a multicultural and multi religious society, celebrates holidays and festivals of various faiths and special interest groups. bank holidays may be well known by public holidays or may be national holiday all these are differ from country to co...

30th November 2009

Green Lobbyist Entrepreneur

There are lobby and special interest groups for nearly everything in Washington, D.C., trying to get bills passed that are beneficial to their own needs and blocking bills that would stop or hamper those needs in any way. Becoming a green lobbyist is not ...

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