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Articles, tagged with "assets", page 8

29th December 2009

Tax Problems Can Be Of Many Types

Tax problems can get very frustrating if not dealt with on time. To add to the frustration there is not one but many types of tax issues that can give you sleepless nights. Thus in order to avoid stress and tension in your already busy life understand you...

22nd December 2009

How I Divorced and Managed to Survive with my family's help

Years ago I thought I was happy, in love, and my future looked bright.I was young and didn't understand marriage. I thought in the back of my head he may be with me only for the papers, but that quickly went away once he would do something sweet. Thoug...

21st December 2009

Anger Management for Kids

Kids are normally in the offing with look upon to sharing feelings and emotions. A kid could be weighed down with feelings of fasten and guilt but you would by no means gather it from a conversation. A child's feelings are ordinarily spectacle in the beha...

09th December 2009

Conditional Love: Why Parents Should Avoid It?

Conditional love, have you already familiarized with this term? Why you, as parents, should avoid it? Parents who apply conditional love will only give and show their affection if their children become obedient ones, have high achievement or have given p...

01st December 2009

Is it possible to get a share of your partner’s pensions after divorce?

Whenever couples register for a divorce, they estimate the assets to do the proper settlement. But most of them do not remember to include their spouse's pension as a portion of the income. It is important to include it as it is a part of your assets that...

25th November 2009

Trying To Dispel Confusion About Tax Rates

The world is affected by taxes and tax rates. The terms, uses, and definitions of taxes and their tax rates can be a hard topic to understand, but with some education, you may be able to understand taxes and tax rates just like the individuals you take yo...

25th November 2009

Corporate And Company Tax Liens

A company is a separate entity from an individual. A company is a legalised body, meaning that it can sue and be sued. Today, the issue of getting into debts does not only imply to individuals. Companies also run into serious debts owed to so many individ...

24th November 2009

How to farm fast gold on world of warcraft

Grinding gold is the most basic and common farming gold talents world of warcraft. Since this is the most basic form of gold farming it does get much attention from all types of players. However most players never end up grinding the amount of gold they s...

23rd November 2009

If You Own a Business, You must Pay Payroll Taxes

As an employer, you must pay payroll taxes; there is no way around it. It is your responsibility to make all payroll tax deposits. The Internal Revenue Service has been cracking down on payroll tax compliance. If you own a small business it is imp...

23rd November 2009

New Capital Gains Laws

If you own a property which you are planning to sell, be sure to consult a tax advisor or get informed about tax law before doing so. Many real estate agents also know the subtleties of property selling and taxation. Several small points can make the diff...

13th November 2009

Saving Taxes With The Spouse Trust

A spouse trust is a trust account which can be established to give your spouse the ability to defer taxes as well as to protect the family interests. This act settles that only the spouse can use the estate and no one else, during his lifetime. Upon your ...

13th November 2009

How to Financially Survive a Divorce: Important Steps to Take to Survive the Financial Stress of Di

It is very important to learn how to financially survive a divorce. You have to accept the fact that you will become poorer after the divorce. If you are the primary income earner of the family, then you will have to face child support or alimony and a ...

30th September 2009

Knowing What Full Child Custody Entails

There are several terms in the legal area in which couples should become familiar with when they go through a divorce. With various aspects to figure out such as dividing up material possessions, assets and other items, lots of individuals seek the counse...

28th September 2009

Retirement Planning

Retirement planning is a concept, alien to many an individual. Retirement is not just about lazing in the armchair sipping the morning tea; it is something much more than that. For a comfortable life after retirement, a detailed retirement planning is a p...

24th September 2009

Family Law Attorneys Provide Assistance in Divorce Proceedings

When in the middle of a divorce, the last thing that most individuals want to consider is the new legal dictionary they must familiarize themselves with. While some understanding of these new legal terms is usually required, family law attorneys in Rivers...

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