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Articles, tagged with "both genders", page 1

03rd January 2012

Girls and Boys - the Difference in Taste

No, we’re not referring to taste in the literal sense of the word. The kind of games that each gender enjoys or avoids is what we’re supposed to discuss here. So, is the taste in games different? If so, why? Why are the games listed in separate sections f...

31st December 2011

Games for Girls - Enjoyable for All

Even if the technicians behind every game designed for girls are not necessarily girls, they’re laid out and detailed with girls’ liking in mind. They serve the purpose of entertaining, amusing and even occasionally educating young girls. Games available ...

17th October 2011

Smartlipo, Noninvasive Liposuction

Cynosure’s development to Smartlipo laser assisted liposuction created a new, noninvasive way of removing stubborn areas of fat. Smartlipo is a new state of the art technology that have been created in 2006, and developed in various ways to offer better r...

17th February 2011

Children’s Duvets – Duvet Covers for Every Child

By Paga in Family
A stunning variety of covers for children’s duvets are available for parents who want to add color and interest to their children’s bedrooms. Duvet covers come in all colors, sizes, and themes. Solid colored duvet covers can complement the color scheme ...

04th February 2011

Natural Men Hair Loss Solutions

If you are starting to notice hair loss, then you should be proactive and find a treatment for men hair loss and get started on it as soon as possible. The earlier that you begin treating the hair loss, the better your results will be. With thicker locks ...

03rd February 2011

Motorola Droid X Cases for Girls

Smartphones, Motorola Droid X in certain, can be applied by both genders. But when it arrives to Droid cases, it is a various story. With the release of so numerous Droid cases which caters to males; it is very good to know that there are situations that ...

25th November 2010

Online Safety For Teenagers: Why And How Parents Ought To Learn About Teenage Chat Rooms

Besides these, there are teenage-centric websites that have teenage chat rooms dedicated toward juvenile stuff. More often than not, companies and portals offering chat services may have a general chat area, which is available to all and handles content ...

13th August 2010

Did you ever wonder, what is Infertility?

Most couples who didn't get the chance to conceive despite trying very hard often ask questions such as - What is infertility? Am I infertile? Will I ever have a child? Most couples often have a very limited view on infertility. They only see infertility...

04th August 2010

Equipment Guidance for Early Years Professionals

Nursery World is the most prestigious trademark in the early years sector - it is a successful London exhibition and a growing online community of followers. Pullable toys Ms Johnston says kids who have just learned to walk enjoy the challenge of walki...

19th May 2010

How attitudes to Family, Marriage and Divorce have changed

Attitudes to family, marriage and divorce have changed over the last century. Here we look at how different aspects of family life are seen compared to the past. Marriage In the past people married at a much younger age on average than they do toda...

15th April 2010

A Short History of Cosmetology

People have been using cosmetics to improve their appearance since the last several thousand years. It is also used to mimic animals or look scary for festivals. The history of cosmetology is much older than civilization. The ancient nomads made pastes of...

08th February 2010

Relevance of relationship advice

Relationships cause the most pain to people. As they are tricky it is important to get help of relationship advice in the case you face some problem. The human nature is difficult to understand. People behave in a way which may be quite puzzling for a...

26th November 2009

Acne Scar Laser Treatment To Remove Acne Scar Effectively

Acne poses a problem to almost everyone in todays society. Normally the appearance of acne starts out, in both genders, during puberty and normally continues into adulthood. The appearance of acne has both mental and physical effects on an individual suc...

27th March 2009

Voice Over Gigs For Every Age, Every Stage And Every Client

Have you ever wondered which age groups are most frequently needed in voice over work? All of them! As a Voice Over Agent, Los Angeles, we specialize in supplying clients with voice over artists from every background, both genders and all ethnicities. Not...

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