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Articles, tagged with "fallopian tube", page 1

18th March 2011


Sterilization is the process by which the spores, live cells and viruses are completely destroyed. While "tubal sterilization" not "kill" anything, tubal ligation prevents sperm to swim toward the egg for fertilization. When a doctor performs tubal ligati...

03rd March 2011

The Answer to When Does Ovulation Take place

Several ladies wonder "when does ovulation arise?" If you are preparing to get pregnant, you have to know when you are ovulating. In a fertile cycle, a single egg is launched from your ovary every single month. The egg moves into your fallopian tube waiti...

07th July 2010

Acupunture and Fertility Herbs The Huge Benefits

Pregnancy is among the most life transforming experience in a marriage.. However, smooth and typical pregnancy shouldn't be taken for granted. It is not unusual for partners to battle to get pregnant or carry the pregnancy to full term. 1 reason for this...

24th March 2010

Getting Pregnant After Birth Control All Natural Techniques

Getting pregnant after birth control is simple in the movie films, a girl chooses she wants to become pregnant and tosses the birth control tablets. A number of scenes afterwards, we see the girl having a huge, puffy tummy and a smile as big as the sunlig...

23rd February 2010

Quality Fertility Treatments for Women Over 40

There are several treatment options for women and couples that are having difficulties getting pregnant. If you are a woman over the age of 40 and having fertility issues, your doctor may recommend one or more of these procedures if fertility drugs alone ...

23rd February 2010

Pregnancy After 40 - The Twelve Month Pregnancy

A typical pregnancy lasts nine months however you should think about a pregnancy lasting twelve months instead. It is a good idea for you to prepare your body mentally and physically for an upcoming pregnancy three months prior to trying to conceive. This...

23rd February 2010

How to Get Pregnant While Having PCOS

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) afflicts about one in ten women of childbearing age according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office on Women's Health and it is the most common cause of female infertility. However, just because you...

23rd February 2010

How Can I Get Pregnant When I'm Over 40?

Many women ask themselves this question when they are having difficulties in getting pregnant. This is especially true if the woman is over 35. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office on Women's Health states that "a woman's chances of ha...

23rd February 2010

Causes of Infertility in Women Over 40

Many articles discusses the causes of infertility in women over 40, and women in general but according to the U.S. Health and Human Services' Office on Women's Health, about one-third of infertility is caused by something in the woman, one-third is caused...

06th January 2010

Want to know how to get pregnant now?

Are you searching for a tip to understand how to get pregnant fast? Are you recently married and would want to conceive faster and more effective?Unearth methods to conceive a baby quickly and without surgery.Solve infertilization and Cure fertility pro...

06th January 2010

Fertility Treatment Center, Pregnancy IVF Fertility, Ovarian Cysts Infertility, In Vitro Fertiliza

IUI, also known as intrauterine insemination is a popular and effective fertility treatment for millions of women around the world. While a variety of factors need to be considered before a woman undergoes artificial insemination techniques, including age...

30th December 2009

Discover the Secret Natural Ways to Get Pregnant With Fallopian Tube Blockages

I am going to show you the secret natural ways to get pregnant with fallopian tube blockages even your doctor will be amazed how you became pregnant without spending thousands of dollars on complicated medical procedures. Did you know that success leaves ...

08th December 2009

How To Get Pregnant By Recognizing The Signs

It seems that most women spend the majority of their lives trying not to get pregnant but when it is time to add to the family most women do not know how to get pregnant. Getting pregnant comes down to timing and for some people the actual time window is...

23rd November 2009

Fertile Days to Conceive - When Am I Most Likely to Get Pregnant?

Picture yourself a few months from now pregnant with a baby. Imagine what it would be like to be able to get pregnant naturally. In this article we are going to go over what your most fertile days to conceive are and what is the quickest way for you to ge...

29th October 2009

Ways to Conceive a Child Faster - To Get Pregnant Quickly and Naturally, Learn to Pinpoint Ovulation

The most important part of getting pregnant is to know when you have the greatest chances of becoming pregnant. if you are having trouble conceiving, you should not continue to just have sex and hope you are going to conceive. This is a mistake made by ...

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