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Articles, tagged with "mixture", page 7

20th October 2009

There are a few antibiotics of Tooth Whitening

Grin , as one says, is one's best foot forward. A good grin earns a number of compliments, makes us feel nice about ourselves and brighten others' days. What else can one ask for. The problem is that not every one of us have those pearly whites naturally....

02nd October 2009

Teeth Whitening Systems On A Budget

It has become very common nowadays to whiten your teeth either professionally or at home. With professional dental cost being high, cheaper alternatives are being sought after. You need to have a few treatments done by the dentist before results show. ...

06th September 2009

How to Save money on Women's Perfume.

If you want people to think that you are beautiful, attractive and good, then the easiest way to do it is to select the right perfume. Remember perfume reflects your personality and keeps your presence alive even in your absence. If you want that tempting...

18th June 2009

Sterling Silver Jewelry: How to Buy Sterling Silver Jewelry

There are many different types of silver jewelry on the market today. Sterling silver jewelry is one of the main types of silver jewelry. In order to make what you buy be good value for money, we'd better know about how to buy sterling silver jewelry you ...

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