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Articles, tagged with "patriotism", page 1

24th January 2013

Easy Ways To Get The Best Flags And Flag Poles

If you’re an American who really loves his or her country, you might like to display just how devoted you can be. Many American's pay tribute to their country by flying the American flag in front of their home to display their patriotism. There are many w...

05th May 2011

A Political Strategy For Conservatives

Former NFL coach of the NY Jets Herm Edwards uttered the words "You play to win the game" at a press conference in response to a question about the Jets playing "not to lose" rather than aggressively playing to win. The Edwards quote is funny in the way h...

30th March 2011

Buy Paintings Online

Paintings are said to be a one of the best friends for a human being who is tired and restless and is leading a chaotic life. Paintings can evoke a lot of thoughts in one’s mind ranging from happiness, sadness, love, and hatred to leadership, success, pat...

15th March 2011

Sheen Suing Warner Bros. for 320 Million!

Charlie Sheen seems to have identified a new way to make revenue! From staying the greatest paid actor on tv to having to pay for a divorce lawyer and settlement, his present Two and a 50 percent Males has looked at him by it all. He has arrive a lengthy ...

24th January 2011

Shops with High Quality Flags

A flag is a symbol that represents a country’s independence and pride. All countries have flags that depict their histories with varying interpretations. Flags were first used in India and China. Neighboring countries soon adapted the use of flags as mean...

09th November 2010

Robert Steele for Congress 15th Congressional District in Michigan State

MR. DINGELL HAS ONLY HIS SELF INTEREST AT HEART!!! The present governing body under John Dingell plunges us deeper into debt and reduces our "freedoms" further as they take away a lot more of our "liberty" to produce our own possibilities. We need to quit...

08th January 2010

Oil-slicked congresspersons turn backs on patriotic poster

Oil-slicked congresspersons turn backs on patriotic poster How many congresspersons and senators consider themselves patriotic? Ah, every hand in both chambers is waving high in the air. But what happens when you try to hold their feet to the ...

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