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Articles, tagged with "decision maker", page 1

17th May 2013

B2B Lead Generation Can Help Businesses Identify The Needs Of Customers That Customers Don’T Want To

One of the painstaking tasks that any company or any business should do is to find out what exactly are the needs of their potential customers. By identifying the needs, they can clearly find out what to do with their business itself and, most of all, wha...

04th July 2011

Reduce Tax Liability - Deductible Business Expenses

Expenses is a very large area of tax, and one of the most challenging as well, which is why we’ve written this blog post; to try and give you an idea of some of the expenses that you can claim. An expense is allowable as long as it was reasonably incur...

28th March 2011

Uses of No Contract Cell Phone Plans

One of the important things needed in the present day world is communication. Without communication, one cannot hope to get any job done. Previously, this communication process used to take a long time and so the world moved at a slower pace. But with the...

16th March 2011

Out-Communicating Your Competition is Vital For Sales Success

It's amazing how we can be so unaware of repetitive and filler words we sprinkle throughout our conversations. People judge us by the way we communicate, and all things being equal, it's likely a decision maker would prefer to deal with a well-spoken, a...

16th March 2011

The Top Four Annoying Cold Call Mistakes of All Time

Foundation: The reason most sales people feel they're annoying a decision-maker when making cold call is because they have a completely annoying approach! Mistake Number One: "How Are You?" So there you are, sitting in your busy office... working ...

16th March 2011

5 Annoying Cold Call Mistakes Salespeople Make and What to Do Instead

If you've read "The Four Most Annoying Cold Call Mistakes of all Time" you can revisit this new version of the first four mistakes (including new how-to tips) and learn all about mistake number five (it's a doozy...). The 1st mistake: Not Researching B...

08th September 2010

How to negotiate

First one is to identify who the decision maker is. I've lost count of the occasions at every level, from first-line salesman through to board director, board to board negotiations, where I've seen fantastic presentations, superb dialogue and the person t...

19th October 2009

Every Individual is Part of the Whole

Individualism and Collectivism as Part of the Same Desire "Let us also observe that if the needs of the individual are our starting-point, we cannot fail to reach Communism, an organization which enables us to satisfy all needs in the most thorough an...

08th August 2009

Forget North Korea - Stimulus Spending Creating New National Security Issue

Missing in the shrill debate between massive spending programs versus mortgaging our grandchildren's future is what all of that new debt means to our national sovereignty, according to a retired Naval Intelligence expert and commercial banker."The No...

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