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Articles, tagged with "stage in life", page 1

20th June 2011

Liven Up Your Special Day With Fabulous 40th Birthday Invitations

It is indeed a wonderful stage in life to be turning forty. It deserves to be celebrated more elaborately than other birthdays. Life begins at forty, and people who've been with you through all these years need to join in the festivities on such a special...

25th May 2011

Parenting Teenagers Doesn't Have to Be Life Destroying

Many people find that parenting teenagers is one of the most challenging aspects of being a parent. At this stage in life they are just learning to live their own lives and pesonalities and these often conflict with their parents. It's not easy knowing ho...

29th October 2010

The Best Way to get Rid of Stretch Marks

One type of scar that is almost always unavoidable is the formation of stretch marks on one's body. This is more evident in women as they are exposed to more circumstances wherein these marks may form. Since these marks are really ugly to look at and a lo...

06th August 2010

Buy Online Cosmetics? Try These 6 Free Simple Steps For Better Skin Instead!

Fighting acne is a common issue that has stricken us all at a certain stage in life (is it me or does it often rear it's ugly head at any time when you have got a major function to attend such as prom night or a wedding reception?!). If you are like the m...

16th April 2010

Tax Planning

The common public does not welcome taxes with open arms, the reasons being ever-increasing financial burden and complexities associated with the tax laws. What certainly brings smiles is the income tax refund. This is free money. Rather than splurging mon...

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