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Articles, tagged with "fun day", page 1

26th September 2011

Centennial Olympic Park

Many Atlantans will be hard pressed to ever forget one of Atlanta’s most famous events in recent times: its hosting of the Centennial Summer Olympics back in 1996. Likewise, the place where it all happened have likewise been permanently etched into our co...

31st May 2011


Britain has always been a nation of Gardens and celebrating the summer with a Garden party is a tradition that seems to be dying. At Party Showroom we believe that you should never let go of an excuse to throw a party, and as this summer is shaping up to ...

19th January 2011

Valentine’s Day: - The most beautiful feeling in the world.

Valentines day is just around the corner. It is a day that couples show there loves for one another either through words, actions or gifts. The typical gift that is given on this special occasion is chocolates, perfume or flowers. This may be amusing to s...

17th January 2011

Boys Snow Pants Guidelines

Has your child already has a winter wear? Who wouldn’t believe that it is September already, “Ber” months are fast approaching and before you know it, it is already winter. With the white dusty flakes of snow, all of the surroundings will be covered with ...

13th March 2009

April Fools' Day

April Fools' Day, is a famous day that is observed in many countries on the 1st of April. On this day individuals play a number of practical jokes and several pranks and hoaxes on friends and family. The purpose of this purely fun day is to get a good lau...

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