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Articles, tagged with "traumatic experience", page 1

13th August 2012

The Opposite of Love

***There are no links in this article*** The Opposite of Love by Connie H. Deutsch When you ask someone what is the opposite of love, most people will say hate. Both of these words imply a deeply felt emotion, so it makes sense that most people ...

15th August 2011

Charity For Children Give Our Youth A Better Future

The children are said to be the hope of the future which is the reason why they need all the love and support that they can get. Love and support is something that parents give to their children but the sad truth is that not all children have parents to t...

03rd March 2011

The Most Typical Skin Issues That Women Face These Days

Numerous women from across the world are victims of numerous skin issues. Aside from giving women frustrations, these skin issues can also lower the women's self-esteem. Every single day, women discover it tough to face the individuals they meet at work o...

09th February 2011

The Effective and Organic Skin Rejuvenating Treatment of Burn Scars

The trauma from a burn wound that is pervasive long after the initial burn wound can be the most devastating wound of the whole experience. There aren't many skin afflictions that after the incident give the label "survivor" to those unfortunate enough to...

13th January 2011

Things to Be kept in Mind While Hiring a Divorce Lawyer in Miami

Divorce is a traumatic experience for couples in itself and after that if your divorce lawyer costs high then it becomes a disaster. Therefore, in order to reduce the divorce lawyer costs you need to avoid certain common mistakes couples make while hiring...

25th November 2010

I Am Getting a Divorce Now - Does Scripture Teach That I Can't Re-Marry?

Losing the love of your life is a traumatic experience, worse still if the Bible teaches that you can't re-marry. Let me re- assure you that no matter what I say in this teaching, you are going to do what you want to do. And even if what I say is somewhat...

05th October 2010

Car Wreck Lawyers: Tips on How to Find a Good One

An accident, whether a minor or major one, is a stressful experience for both the driver and passenger. Whether its just a minor scratch on your car or a massive wreck, it can be a traumatic experience for the people involved. The rate of car accidents si...

16th August 2010

Contested & Uncontested Divorce

A divorce is undoubtedly a traumatic experience for both the parties involved. It is not only the end of a relationship between a couple but also their family in most of the cases. When a divorce takes place many crucial decisions are needed to be taken b...

14th May 2009

Learn how to take control quickly and calmly to stop a dog fight

Being a witness to a dog fight between two strange dogs is enough to shock most of us, however, when a fight involves our own pet it can be a deeply traumatic experience. This article is aimed at giving both practical information and sensible advice i...

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