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Articles, tagged with "financial trouble", page 1

12th March 2011

Keep track of tax liabilities is easy.

So you're living the self employed dream. No more commuting to work with a rubbish boss, annoying colleagues and pointless meetings. You're doing something you love and some days work doesn't even feel like work. It's an absolute joy. But that's just one ...

29th September 2010

Divorced And Penniless - Why It Can Happen To You

Divorced And Penniless - Why It Can Happen To You Cathi Adams ŠAll Rights Reserved What you do not know can actually harm you badly. The truth is that even as you continue to regularly read about those hefty divorce settlements celebrities are gett...

24th March 2010

Why You Should Open Savings Accounts For Children

As parents it is our responsibility to care for the needs of our children. We usually think of things like providing them with food, clothes, a warm safe place to live and an education. One thing that often gets overlooked though is helping them learn h...

23rd February 2010

Bad Credit Credit Card Fix it Now

Bad credit and credit card. Those words shouldn't mix, but in this world of easy credit they go together like peas in a pod. If you have a bad credit score and you have somehow managed to get a credit card, then here are a few things to keep in mind so ...

26th November 2009

How the market affects gas prices

A recent downturn in gas prices has come as a welcome relief to most drivers in North America. The timing, however, of the price drop has many people thinking conspiracy theory. A recent poll of Americans showed that a staggering 42 percent of respondents...

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