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Articles, tagged with "essential oils", page 5

16th September 2009

Skin Care Beauty Products for your Skin

The thing about your skin is that it is 100% you- what may work to keep your best friend's skin flawless may not work for you. Furthermore, what may give your sister a beautiful all-year-round glow, may leave your skin blotchy and itchy. This is why, when...

15th September 2009

Quick and Simple Acne Treatments at Home

There are several quick and simple acne treatments that you can try at home. I will outline a few for you. I also had a major problem with pimples and facial blemishes, so I know how important it is to you to rid yourself of your acne. Here are a few at h...

04th September 2009

Aromatherapy – Fact or Fiction

Aromatherapy science and the use of essential oils is a recently created field, with some startling information to share. For many years, practitioners of holistic aromatherapy have claimed that scents and aromas can be used to reduce stress and promote r...

04th September 2009

Why Use Synergy Skin Care

Synergy Skincare is based upon the philosophy of, providing you with quality natural and organic handmade products that meet the individual demands of your skin, without using unnecessary harsh chemicals. There are many fillers and chemicals added to skin...

13th August 2009

Homemade Perfume Making Procedure

Perfume is one of the most essential makeup accessories these days And Perfume is a widely used substance and deemed essential in the daily social lives of many. At the same time, it is pretty expensive, with the prices of all the good perfume brands tou...

10th August 2009

Essential oils in Perfumes

Perfumes today are being made and used in different ways than in previous centuries. Perfumes are being manufactured more and more frequently with synthetic chemicals rather than natural oils. Many natural and man-made materials have been used to make per...

26th July 2009

Get great discounts on Perfumes, Cosmetics and Skincare products.

Cosmetics have always played different roles in making people presentable. Perfumes are one of the most used cosmetics since then. The word Perfume is derived from the Latin word "Per fumum" which means through smoke. The art of making perfumes (perfumery...

18th May 2009

Instant summer glow with a spray tan or tanning lotion

We all know the feeling of getting dressed in your favourite outfit, sexy shoes and amazing accessories…. However when you look in the mirror before leaving your house, you see something that truly is not quite right? It's your skin - You look pale,...

07th April 2009

Hair fall, some remedies

Each day all of us loose at least 50-100 strands of hair. This is our natural rate of hair fall. But when we start loosing hair more than that, is really a matter to be given second thoughts. Loosing too much hair each day may bring in premature baldness,...

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